Smartthings Air and Smartthings Pet are about to make the debut.
No mention of Smartthings Energy however…
Smartthings Air and Smartthings Pet are about to make the debut.
No mention of Smartthings Energy however…
So I very unwillingly and reluctantly read the article. I am convinced that these major manufacturers are trying to dumb us down and take away our ability to think on our own.
From the Samsung site:
All functionality, features, specifications and other product information provided in this document including, but not limited to, the benefits, design, pricing, components, performance, availability, and capabilities of the product are subject to change without notice.
Also, region restrictions on everything:
“The service can recommend cycles for your wash based on garment materials, your usage patterns, weather, and season.”
Meanwhile in the real world, we just lob everything into the machine and use the same cycle every time.
uhmmm hummm
I, for one, welcome our new washer dryer overlords