Somebody just asked this earlier this week in the swimming pool threads.
Anyway, the Qubino devices are still available for both the US and the EU zwave frequencies.
Here’s the one for the US. You need both the probe and a relay module to attach it to.
It’s available in the UK for vesternet:
Vesternet also has a couple of other brands, including “secure“ that are not available for the US.
A note about Fibaro
The Fibaro “smart implant“ Device FGBS-222 should also work, and it’s also available in both the US and the EU, but it doesn’t seem to be working with the 2018 smartthings app. And I noticed that even the Smartest house doesn’t list it as being compatible with smartthings, although it does work with Hubitat and Vera. So I mention that one just in case you see it on a list somewhere, but I don’t think it works with the current smartthings platform. i’d be happy to be wrong on that, so if someone has a link to custom code for it that works with the 2018 smartthings app or the new 2021 smartthings app, please let us know.