Migrating from Smart Home app to SmartThings?


I have Samsung air conditioner, model AR09JSP which originaly works with Smart Home app. For a while I received popup ‘Your device is made to new SmartThings …’. After click on OK button I was moved to SmartThings app where I have added my air conditioner to SmartThings app. After that I Can control it by new app.

That was the only way to do this. When I tried do that directly from SmartThings app my air conditioner wasnt found. I guess the problem is SSID of my unit. My unit has SSID like ‘DIRECT-SAMSUNGAIRCON’ when SmartThings app requires SSID ‘[Room A/C]’.

About 2-3 weeks ago my Samsung account wasn’t working right, but at the end of the day the account was working right. Unfortunately my aircon in Smarthings app status was disconnected. So I removed it (by app and on http://graph-eu01-euwest1.api.smartthings.com) and tried connect It again as before: Connect to Smart Home app then click OK button on ‘Your device is made for new SmartThings’ popup. But this time my air conditioner doesn’t register in SmartThings app. I am moving to SmartThings app but nothing happened.

Can someone help me to par my aircon AR09JSP to SmartThings again. I want my aircon work with Samsung SmartThings Hub V3 I bought. Heres the popup I received. Thanks.

Hola, pudiste solucionar el problemam ya que mi unidad de wifii swl-sq51 que trae mi aire acondicionado tiene el mismo problema. y nadie desde 2019 lo puede solucionar.
Muchas gracias