Matter - smart home connectivity standard (formerly Project CHIP)

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Sadly, I agree with the following from that article:

Where Matter and Thread have woefully over-promised and underdelivered is not in the technology per se but in the simplicity. The new smart home standard is supposed to make buying, setting up, and using smart home products easier. So far, it’s 0 for 3.

With the exception that, as I’ve mentioned before, matter has so far done a good job of allowing me to add additional devices to my Apple home setup. Like SwitchBot.

But other than that, so far, meh. :thinking:

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What firmware is your ST hub on? Have you added the curtain motors to the bridged matter devices selection in the Switchbot settings for that Switchbot Hub 2 they are connected to?

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My Smartthings hub is still on 49.00009. I’m assuming you mean this?

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Paul - I may have a go at using your CoAP library. Will let you know if I end up making any modifications.


Let’s see,
I wonder what founding member could be pushing this addition to the Matter standard? :wink:

  1. Refrigerators – Beyond basic temperature control and monitoring, this device type is also applicable to other related devices like deep freezers and even wine and kimchi fridges.

The same founding member that is leading a cloud based standard for the same appliances :joy:


Tuohy’s article at the Verge points out some of the roadblocks for Matter 1.2. Don’t expect much of anything for awhile. :thinking:

It’s not a requirement of Matter to support every device type, and while most currently support most devices, not all support all functions.
We don’t know yet if or when Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Apple Home, and Samsung SmartThings will add support for everything Matter has announced with 1.2, but judging by the responses I got when I asked them, it’s not going to be anytime soon.
Amazon’s Chris DeCenzo told me the company plans to add support “over time.” “We’re working with partners to support the new device types included in the Matter 1.2 spec while maintaining our high bar for the customer experience with Alexa,” he said. Taylor Lehman at Google Home said, “We’re working hard to add more support for Matter devices to our ecosystem … this will take time.” I also reached out to Samsung SmartThings and Apple but neither provided an answer.

But the good news is, there are some infrastructure changes in 1.2 which are supposed to improve interoperability. We’ll see.


Same here (Zemismart M1 and ST v3) - failes at the last step.

BTW, is it announced that SmartThings supports Matter Bridges?

I have succeeded to pair Zemismart M1 to Apple Home (HomePod mini) and yes - it brings Tuya Zigbee devices to Apple Home … but… with very basic controls and seemingly a lot of bugs to be fixed yet from Zemismart side.

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Yes, as of hub firmware v.49.09. But it’s a brand new integration, and there are some bugs. And and like all matter devices, you must have a smartthings/Aeotec hub. Also, it’s up to the bridge manufacturer as to which devices and features are offered through the bridge integration.

  • Hub’s Matter Controller is now Matter 1.1 Certified
  • Added support for 3rd party Matter Bridges

FAQ: What do I need to add a Matter device to the SmartThings app? Do I need a bridge router device?

So far, people have reported successfully adding SwitchBot hub 2, and some of the aqara hubs, but with some missing devices and features.

If you run into any problems, first check the bridge manufacturer’s website to make sure that the device/features you are trying to use are supported from their side. If they are, but they aren’t working in smartthings, then report them to SmartThings support. This is a rapidly developing integration. :thinking:

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I’d guess most people reading this thread are the de facto tech-support for a number of their friends and family.

I finally worked out what to say about matter for my less tech savvy friends, so I pass it along in case it’s of any use.

I say “first you have to get your smartthings account setup to support matter. That has a number of different steps, but you’ll only have to do it once.”

FAQ: What do I need to add a Matter device to the SmartThings app? Do I need a bridge router device?

“Once you’ve done that, you should be able to buy any device that has the matter logo on the box and it should work with smartthings. If it doesn’t, you can contact smartthings support, because it should. But this is a brand new integration, and there may be some glitches.”

So… I put all the stuff about Thread Border routers, and IPv6 addresses, and a smartthings hub to run edge Drivers, etc., and put that into one conversational bucket about “setting up your SmartThings account to support matter.”

After that, they can go off on their own and shop for individual devices. Rather than trying to fold their various individual technical pieces into discussions of various individual devices.

I just find it easier on both them and me to get their account ready for either thread or Wi-Fi or a bridge upfront. Then let them go off and shop on their own.

FWIW. :sunglasses:


This was really interesting. A couple of people who are in the engineering group said that matter chose Bluetooth for onboarding to get around the current industry issue of people being on 5G WIFI and not being able to onboard their smart home devices. This avoids the whole issue of what network your phone is using. :thinking:


Not exactly a matter article but matter is mentioned. Food for thoughts on the smart home /connected home field nevertheless. Bad business is breaking the smart home — good regulation can fix it - The Verge

article by Stacey on IOT, in the verge.


Any luck with Zemismart M1? Is it possible to link it with smartthings? I’m curious cause I’m thinking of buying it as I want to use Moes smart knob better.

After about 50 tries I was finally able to get the Zemismart hub to connect to Smartthings. Since then, I’ve added 3 Tuya ZigBee devices to the M1 hub. Two remote four button switches and a infrared emitter. None of these devices show up in Smartthings. So at this point they are useless in the Smartthings ecosystem. Hopefully future firmware on both ends will fix this?

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Were those specific devices on the list of the ones that zemismart says will be bridged to matter? If not, at the time of this post, that’s the expected behavior.

They have not said which ones will be added in the future.

So far the only hands-on reviews I’ve seen for the M1 have just tried to bridge sensors. :man_shrugging:t2:

So there are some switches that might work, but I don’t think it’s all models yet. The IR blaster is definitely not on the list yet.


cross posting this article here and New Ikea Sensors on the way! (early 2024):