Matter OTA Controlled Rollout Plan

This post serves as the home for information on Hub support for Matter OTA (Over the Air) firmware updates and the current list of Matter devices able to be upgraded via SmartThings during this Controlled Rollout phase.

Starting with the 47.10 hub firmware, Matter-supported hubs will have Matter OTA Provider support enabled, meaning the hub can automatically perform OTA firmware updates on eligible Matter devices to a newer firmware that has been certified by the CSA and published to CSA’s DCL. Unlike Zigbee where the device’s firmware is packaged and released along with Hub firmware, Matter device firmware is downloaded from the Manufacturer’s host server.

SmartThings will be rolling out OTA support in 2 phases:

  1. Controlled Rollout Phase: SmartThings will initially take the extra precaution to vet out and validate Matter device firmware published to the DCL prior to enabling them for customers. News about the duration of the Controlled Rollout Phase as well as the list of verified devices currently eligible for Matter OTA updates via SmartThings will be updated here on this post.

  2. All Devices Eligible: In the near future, SmartThings will remove this temporary measure of vetting device updates first and take a more hands-off approach to allow for Matter OTA updates for any device that has CSA Certified Firmware in the DCL.

To enable updates for matter devices, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the SmartThings app and select your SmartThings hub
  2. Choose More Options (⋮) and tap Settings
  3. Select Device firmware updates and choose Allow
  4. Once enabled, the hub will automatically update the firmware for your Matter devices if a new one becomes available

Devices Currently Eligible for Matter OTA via SmartThings:

  • Eve Energy, Eve Door & Window, Eve Motion

My eve motion updated from 3.1 to 3.2 overnight. Only found out because the lux reading started working :slight_smile: Is there a way to tell whether SmartThings was the Matter controller that applied the update?


Same for me

How do I know what is the current firmware of my Eve Motion?

When on the device page, tap the upper right menu and choose Information

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Good afternoon, when will the update for the Qingping Thread temperature and humidity sensor be released? According to the manufacturer, the Thread sensor will be updated to Matter in the future. I’ve tested it on android and it still doesn’t work with smartthing hub via thread matter. In this case, how am I going to get the matter thread code for this sensor, which only has the Homekit code?

So, circled blue below means the firmware on my Eve is 2.3?

It must be different on iOS. It shows here on that same screen in the iOS app.

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Weird then, just checked on iPhone and got the same… Thank you!

ah, I bet it’s because yours is connected to a SmartThings Station. Last I checked its only on hub firmware 46.x and Matter OTA requires 47.X


I am seeing the same thing with my SmartThings Station as well, and all of my Eve Motion devices are still stuck on version 3.1. SmartThings staff any word when 47.10 will be available for SmartThings Station users?

@Automated_House have your Eve Motion devices had any issue with sporadically going offline and not reconnecting? I have about 20 of these devices, and every few days a new device goes offline with the only fix being to remove the device, reset it and then re-add it back into SmartThings. I know it is not a signal strength issue as the latest Eve Motion to do this is 10 feet from my hub with a powered Thread repeater 6 feet away as well. I also have additional powered thread devices throughout my entire home (Eve Energy) acting as repeaters. I am a bit stumped and my only hope at this point is that version 3.2 fixes something that was causing this from the beta program Matter firmware version 3.1

yes, it would frequently go offline when on 3.1. However, it would come back after a power cycle (remove battery). It definitely seems better on 3.2. I can’t remember the last time it went offline after 3.2…

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Hub won’t connect

I still don’t know what Firmware version do I have on my Eve, but Illumance sensor is reporting good now, not sure if it was updated through the Station or it was updated while I connected temporary to Amazon. I don’t know how to see the firmware version of my Station neither.

A post was split to a new topic: Matter product development question