Lutron Caséta Support for LED/CFL dimming

I just picked one of these up and installed it. It showed Wink support so I assumed it was either Zigbee or Z-Wave. After it would not pair I searched Google and it took me here to learn that it will not work with the Smartthings hub.

This might help. It’s in the community created wiki, so it should be easier to find the most current info than the forums.

Then you can always come back to the forums and ask any specific questions you have.

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That wiki is fantastic, thanks for linking!

After hearing very little post-purchase excitement from people who updated to the Samsung hub, I’m considering just skipping hub v2 and waiting for a potential v3 with homekit/caseta support. :smile:

The forums are fantastic as well, it’s just the two serve different purposes.

I often say wikis are for answers, forums are for questions and discussion. The wiki gives us a place that anyone can edit, so it should stay up-to-date, to present the most current information on a factual topic.

The forums continue to be a place where you can brainstorm a personal project, ask questions about anything you didn’t understand, offer opinions on topics where people may legitimately disagree, present project reports, and share other types of information that don’t quite fit into a reference archive.

And of course shared code continues to go into GitHub. All good. :sunglasses: