Lost ability to set temperature on Zigbee Zen Thermostat

On November 17 I lost the ability to set the temperature on our Zen Zigbee thermostat via Smart things. It is not responsive to requests to change the temperature via Smart things. I was able to set the temperature on November 15. I am still getting temperature and state readings in the history so the thermostat is on-line. The driver is version 2024-11-11T20:39:36.059423025. Did a recent update cause issues? Anyone else experiencing this?

I have lost functionality with all zigbee devices. Reset ST v3 Hub with no sucess in bringing zigbee functionality back. Argh!

Nevermind… guess they were all just taking a break.

Here are more details that I sent to support. Does anyone know of another Edge driver I can use with the Zen Thermostat? Anyone else experiencing this issue?

I believe the problem lies in a recent driver update. The driver details as follows:

Name: Zigbee Thermostat

Description: SmartThings driver for Zigbee Thermostat Devices

Developer: SmartThings

Version: 2024-11-11T20:39:36.059423025

I am able to see activity from the thermostat such as temperature and state information. I can also change the Thermostat mode from Heat to Off, and back on to Heat successfully.

However, when I set the Heating Temperature either through the UI, or a routine, it appears to change, but when you exit the Thermostat control and go back in, it reverts back to its original temperature. Usually when I use the UI a spinning wheel spins for a second or two while it is changing the temperature, but this wheel never appears. It does not appear to be responding to commands to change the temperature.

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It looks like I was able to resolve the problem by installing the Zigbee Thermostat Mc driver from this channel.

Then rebooting the hub remotely via the smart things web app under the advanced users section.

Michael, I am having the same issue you experienced with your zen thermostat. I have followed your actions and have updated the driver but my thermostat will still not hold the point from the SmartThings app. Is your driver 2024-11-04T22:53:41.400021279?

Hi Jrazink - my driver version is 2024-11-10T11:28:30.256411563

Thank you!

I suspect this issue has nothing to do with the driver and everything to do with the firmware. Historically I’ve had intermittent issues setting temperatures on these devices. It came back to bite me today. Actually looks like it’s a known issue that Zen does not intend to fix. It doesn’t seem to affect only ST users.

Source: This reddit comment from a home assistant user:


I asked for their own source but yet to hear back.

Any success or progress, I’m now stuck in the same situation.

Has anyone had any luck resolving this issue? I’m now stuck without temp controls as well.

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