Logitech harmony Elite for 168 dollars

Amazon.co.uk has Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control w/ Harmony Hub on sale for £108.33 (price drops in checkout) + £21.15 shipping = £129.48 or $167.42 USD. Thanks slickdeals.

Darn you! :wink:

Anyone know if the power supply is universal or what other differences there are between the US and UK versions?

Price doesn’t drop for me BUT -

Order Summary
Items: GBP 129.99
Postage & Packing: GBP 4.75
Total: GBP 134.74
Promotion Applied: -GBP 4.75
(Order Total: GBP 129.99)
Payment Total: USD 168.08

But I don’t know what (if any) issues there are with using a UK version in the US…

Both the hub and remote charging base take a micro-usb cable for power. So you’ll get two German USB power adapters, but I’m sure you have some USB wall warts lying around, or they can be had cheap.

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Must have been a lighting deal ( or whatever they call it on UK site) back up to 225 GBP now :frowning:

Finally getting around to hooking this up… AND IT WON’T LET ME SET IT UP BECAUSE IT’S NOT FOR North America