has Logitech Harmony Elite Remote Control w/ Harmony Hub on sale for £108.33 (price drops in checkout) + £21.15 shipping = £129.48 or $167.42 USD. Thanks slickdeals.
Darn you!
Anyone know if the power supply is universal or what other differences there are between the US and UK versions?
Price doesn’t drop for me BUT -
Order Summary
Items: GBP 129.99
Postage & Packing: GBP 4.75
Total: GBP 134.74
Promotion Applied: -GBP 4.75
(Order Total: GBP 129.99)
Payment Total: USD 168.08
But I don’t know what (if any) issues there are with using a UK version in the US…
Both the hub and remote charging base take a micro-usb cable for power. So you’ll get two German USB power adapters, but I’m sure you have some USB wall warts lying around, or they can be had cheap.
Must have been a lighting deal ( or whatever they call it on UK site) back up to 225 GBP now
Finally getting around to hooking this up… AND IT WON’T LET ME SET IT UP BECAUSE IT’S NOT FOR North America