Lock Event Missing Data

I have this app that monitors the front door schlage keypad lock. It looks at the code used to unlock the door AND also looks at how the lock was locked. By parsing out the event data into a Jason map, I was able to determine if the lock was locked using the keypad or locked from the inside. It worked great. Now, I am sure when, but within the last few months (maybe since March), all the data from with the lock event is gone or different.

What has changed is that the code used to unlock the door has gone from the symbolic code name to the code number. OK, I can deal with this, simple enough to change my code.

What is missing is the .method value. Using this, I was able to determine how the lock was locked or unlocked. For example:

def lockEventHandler( event ) {
Map lockEventMap = parseJson(event.data)
usedMethod = lockEventMap.method

   if ( usedMethod == "manual" ) {
    	log.debug "The $theMainLock has been locked from the inside."
  } else if ( usedMethod == "keypad" ) {
          log.debug "The $theMainLock has been locked from the outside."


Why would take this away??? Bring it back please!!!