Back to working on my automation after a while, I’m trying to use the live logging and nothing shows up.
The automation works - I’m getting the lifecycle events etc. But nothing shows up in live logging.
Would appreciate any insight to wake it up.
I’m guessing you’re talking about an Automation - SmartApp project, right?
I haven’t used that “logging” page because all the logs can be seen in your server where you’re running the SmartApp.
I can ask the engineering team the purpose of that page, but, what are you trying to find there?
From last year to this year suddenly the app update lifecycle event stopped working. When I debug on the server side I don’t receive the event and it’s strange, I figured I’d try the live logging to start debugging as early as possible in the process.
Just to clarify - what I mean by update, is when you click on the phone on an already installed SmartApp, to update its configuration. When clicking, I immediately get on the phone a message “There was a problem connecting. Try again. If this problem continues, contact Customer Service”. No event received by the server. No http request captured by ngrok. Last winter the same exact version of my SmartApp could update with no issues.
That’s been a known, reported issue in the mobile app (at least the Android app) for months now. Installs from the Discover menu work fine, but the updates give that error. They also used to leave some screen corruption but they fail more cleanly now.
OK, as Graham mentioned, this is a known issue. I’ll add your case to that report for awareness and continue following up on it.
So, for now, you need to re-install the app if you want to apply changes to it.