With the shutdown of the old Groovy based architecture and cloud, Zigbee devices now require an Edge driver that gets loaded on your hub. The primary way a driver is identified is by the “fingerprint” (Mfg and Model) of the device. If there is no fingerprint match from the stock ST Edge drivers, then it is assigned a generic “Thing” driver.
There are community developers who have created Edge drivers to add support for some devices not supported in the stock drivers. One of the primary sources for Zigbee Edge drivers is the developer @Mariano_Colmenarejo. From other topics he’s posted in, he has said he does not have any multi-button support in any of his drivers. That being said, load his Zigbee Thing Mc driver by enrolling in his channel here and changing your device to that driver in the ST app from the 3 dot menu in the ST mobile app. Take a screenshot of the device card once you have changed to that driver and post it here.