Life360 seems to send notifications properly, but presence status not updated?

Just adding to tree chorus here… Mine worked pretty good until a few weeks ago.

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I’m having the same issue. All of our family members show as present in the ST app. It seems the push notifications of people leaving is working though.

Oddly enough I just had one of the kids reinstall the 360 app. After a few seconds ST pushed a notification saying they left the house and shows them as away now.

Did you mean the Life360 Android/iOS app, or the Life360 (Connect) SmartApp in ST?

The iOS app sorry

It seems to be working for all of them now after a reinstall.

This issue seems to come in waves…it will work for the longest time, then occasionally it stops updating. I simply go through the SmartApp setup and then everything refreshes.

I also had the same issue. The first time I contacted support, like others I was blamed for it not working. I even explained the process mentioned above to get it working again, yet still my fault. The second time I contacted support. They said that it was a recognized issue. I switched back to using my phone as presence device and that seems much better for now.

I’ve noticed the same issue with L360 for the past few weeks as well. Couple of times a day I have to go into the L360 smart app and simply hit next > done. Then it refreshes the presence state.

I also contacted ST support and they acknowledged they are looking into it. I think it started a few weeks ago around the same time as ST was doing some major upgrades. Looks like since then the reliability of L360 integration has gone down.

I now have to update the L360 app at least 2-3 times a day. I also have a lot of routines and stuff that relies on proper presence so it kinda sucks that this is broken at the moment.

Especially for those of us who are paying for a Life 360 plan because ST mobile presence doesn’t work

Hi Everyone

I have got annoyed at Life360 not updating so I have updated the device handler to have a refresh button that calls the function that @talz13 workaround runs. Doesnt matter which device gets refreshed all life360 devices will be.

You can then use CoRE to run a refresh at set times, every few hours or whatever you can think of that will help you have the correct presence

Go here Life360 seems to send notifications properly, but presence status not updated?

Thank you! I have been thinking about something similar, a way to force the refresh using CoRE. I have ST and Life360 presence setup and use a piston to notify me when they are out of sync after 10 mins. (Redundancy). I will just modify that piston to force the refresh of Life360. Thanks again.

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Great idea, @kippers! Would you post a dashboard screenshot of your piston?

And, thanks @tmleafs.

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I use my ST presence sensor for Redundancy

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This seems like an excellent work around. I’m very “code” challenged. Would you be willing to build a tutorial on how to install this and what you do in Core to set it all up? I’d be willing to help if need be. Anything to get presence sensing to be more reliable.

I have added this DTH and see the refresh option for the device. I have run some initial tests and have not had any luck yet using the refresh to update presence. If I use the workaround of going into the Life 360 connect smart app then the presence is updating correctly. I will run some more tests, but wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts. Thanks.

Not working for me either. I’m getting this error in IDE:

error java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method updated() on null object

You need to install the app through the ide as well as the device handler can’t look up non ide apps. Sorry forgot to mention this, I am in the UK and have to install it this way as it’s not officially supported.

Have you made any changes to the Life360 Connect app? I installed the device handler, but my wife’s status still isn’t updating correctly when I hit the Refresh button. Logging into Life360, it shows her as Home, but I can’t get the info to pass onto ST.

I created a support request through Life360. Hopefully somebody there can see if it’s an issue with the API or whatever. I sent this:

Location status of users is not being updated to Smartthings. Used to be very reliable, but not any more. Many others are reporting the same issue: Life360 seems to send notifications properly, but presence status not updated? - #38

Whether caused by Life360 or Smartthings, it is impacting many of your paid customers. Hopefully the two companies can sort this out.

I have changed the way it refreshes

You need to update the device handler and app to the following code