June 2019: August Pro Z-Wave commands fail if August app is not in use (previously worked fine)

There are other community members who have been reporting this problem for about a month, but it’s not all August owners and no one has been able to figure out what’s going on. :scream:

Definitely report it to support. The more people who report having a problem, the more resources they will assign to investigating it.

@rboy , I don’t know if you’re getting many reports of this, but at this point there have been at least four people in the forum reporting that they had an August lock that had been working just fine for some time and now is unreliable. So I don’t think it has anything to do with repeaters or batteries, it appears to be something in the Z wave implementation. Or the August firmware. But since it’s not affecting everyone with an August lock, I’m not sure what’s going on.