Greetings ST Community!
I have looked at every Door / Window Sensor thread on this board and can not find a handler to work with this Jinvoo SM-a702a.
It appears to be the same as a Xenon Sensor, but no handlers there either???
Anyone know how to get this to work with Smartthings Hub? None of the built in or generic handlers find this device…
Add it and set it to the default z-wave door/window sensor device type in the IDE and see if it works.
Thanks Jimmy!
OK, that gives me something to go on, but how do I add it if it is not recognized by the app “add new device” ??
Are you putting the device into pairing mode while the hub is also in pairing mode?
Also, you have a US ST hub, right?
Hello there! Thanks for jumping in…
Yes, device is in pairing mode and I have a US ST hub.
The ST Hub does not discover the sensor at all, I can’t add it even manually… 
Is it just incompatible or something? Seemed pretty sure the Z-wave 908.42 was ST compatible?
edit as a side note, I’ve tried several ways to get this into pairing mode. (long press, multiple presses, long 20 sec resets, batteries in/out, etc…)
It is so cheap it did not come with English directions, and Jinvoo Sensors don’t appear anywhere on the 'nets …
Guess I should chuck it and buy something with documentation??
*** FYI UPDATE ***
If anyone ever has one of these, they are marketed under Jinvoo and Xenon brands.
After trying “millions” of button push combos I can inform the communtiy of 
- 20 Sec hold button, 5 light blinks: hard reset
- 3 Very FAST button clicks, 3(or 4) light flashes, in pairing mode
Works with ST Hub.
Thanks for the help everyone!
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