For LAN devices, the value changes when you release the slider. That allows the user to set various levels. No done button. The “X” at the top exits the function or the back button on the android device.
I would assume it is the same for all device types.
Hello Dave,
thank you for your reply. It’s a ZigBee Device and if I release the slider nothing happens like shown in the screenshot. Pressing “X” or back reults in not applying the value and the value will be reset to 0.
In an other thread I read that the new full screen slider should have something like a “done” button… but not for me
I have several DTH’s using the new format. As soon as I stop moving the slider or tap on X the value changes. I suggest you take a look at a couple of ST’s code for examples. It sounds like you’re not passing a value back correctly.
There is no “done” button for the slider.
Here are a couple example of my code you can reference: