Is it possible to create an App (in Android Studio) that interact white SmartThings device?

Hi, sorry for my english.

Is it possible to create an App (in Android Studio) that interact white SmartThings device?

I’m an Android programmer and I was wondering if there are official SDKs so I can import them via gradle.

Alternatively, if the SDKs don’t exist, can I find a tutorial for using the REST APIs?

Thank you

Welcome to the SmartThings Community, @Simone_Murtas!

The only SDK that helps you interact with the API uses NodeJS so I don’t think you can use it:

But, if you want to interact with your devices installed on ST (without receiving state updates (AKA subscriptions)), you can make requests to the API (here’s the reference) using a Personal Access Token

Otherwise, you need a SmartApp to create those subscriptions and get their events,