IOS 10 - Smartthings delay

I have recently updated my IOS and my ST app on my phone and noticed that the ST notifications are on a delay.

For example, the front door opens and about a min later I get the notification, where before these updates, they would be close to realtime.

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It’s not iOS 10… I have been running iOS 10 since beta 1 and it ran the same until v2.2.0 of the mobile app.
Where I’ve noticed a lot of lag in navigating the UI. Device control is just a fast as it has ever been.

I’ve also noticed that the widgets don’t work as well. The green confirmation when initiating a routine mostly indicates red.

I also have been on the beta and have the same problem. It is the V2.2.0 app.

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There is a known issue in 2.2.0 of the app with the widgets. We have made a change on the backend as a work around for it. If you open the app and are logged in then the widget should work for another 48 hours until you have to open the app again. The fix in the mobile side is done and we are working on a release in the next few days (submitted to App and is pending review). Thanks for the patience. I am not aware of the notification issue or slow delivery, can you describe that one a bit more. I have been on the beta for iOS since WWDC and haven’t seen or heard of the same issue yet.

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