Integration of ZWN-SC7 with SmartHub

You’re going to be using this device in a way different than that which the manufacturer intended. That’s so you can take advantage of smartthings multiplatform features. You’ll even be able to use this device to control zig be devices, change modes, etc.

So to get this to work with SmartThings, you will need to follow the instructions in this forum and use some community created code. It’s a very popular device in the community, and there will be a number of people who can help you if you run into any problems. :sunglasses:

Start by reading the FAQ on custom code. That will give you the overview of what you’re going to do. It’s pretty simple, you’re just going to copy and paste the custom device type handler and the smartapp into your own account. It sounds as if you may have used only one or the other, not both. Or maybe mixed them from different sources.

After you read that, go to the forum thread on this particular device and follow the instructions there. That should get things straightened out.

If you have any follow-up questions, just ask in the device thread.