I managed to include it in ST using a standard zigbee button controller but cant get it to recognize any key presses (just battery status). Developing a custom device handler from scratch extends beyond my skills…but if someone would it sure is a good and cheap controller.
Got this from live log if anyone knows what to do:
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:14:16: debug Parse returned [name:battery, value:100, descriptionText:Ikea button battery was 100%]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:14:16: debug Battery
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:14:16: debug description is read attr - raw: B292010001082000201E, dni: B292, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0001, size: 08, attrId: 0020, encoding: 20, value: 1e
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:19: debug Parse returned [name:battery, value:88, descriptionText:Ikea button battery was 88%]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:19: debug Battery
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:19: debug description is read attr - raw: B2920100010A200000201D, dni: B292, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0001, size: 0A, attrId: 0020, result: success, encoding: 20, value: 1d
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:17: debug Parse returned [:]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:17: debug description is catchall: 0104 0500 01 01 0140 00 B292 00 00 0000 0B 01 00C3
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:15: debug Parse returned [:]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:15: debug description is catchall: 0104 0500 01 01 0140 00 B292 00 00 0000 04 01 861000
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:13: debug Parse returned [:]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:13: debug description is catchall: 0104 0001 01 01 0140 00 B292 00 00 0000 07 01 00
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:11: debug Parse returned [:]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:11: debug description is catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 B292 00 00 0000 00 00 6700
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:09: debug Parse returned null
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:09: debug level (0008) capability configured successfully
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:09: debug description is catchall: 0104 0008 01 01 0140 00 B292 00 00 0000 07 01 86000000
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:07: debug Parse returned [:]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:07: debug description is catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 B292 00 00 0000 00 00 6600
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:05: debug Parse returned [:]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:05: debug switch (0006) capability configured successfully
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:05: debug description is catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0140 00 B292 00 00 0000 07 01 86000000
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:03: debug Parse returned [:]
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:03: debug description is catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 B292 00 00 0000 00 00 6500
8eeafca8-d3fc-48b6-a047-da6610a6a297 21:13:02: debug Configuring Reporting, IAS CIE, and Bindings.
and this is the button selected as zigbee button:
Name ikea button
Label Ikea button
Type ZigBee Button
Version Published
Zigbee Id 000B57FFFE0D536D
Device Network Id 9A01
Hub Home Hub
Group Arbetsrum
Last Activity At 2016-12-13 8:58 em CET
Date Created 2016-12-13 8:58 em CET
Last Updated 2016-12-13 9:01 em CET
model: TRADFRI remote control
application: 09
manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
endpointId: 01
Raw Description 01 0104 0810 02 06 0000 0001 0003 0009 0B05 1000 07 0003 0004 0005 0006 0008 0019 1000
Current Version: 0x09815700
Target Version: 0x09815700
Last Updated: N/A
Last Checked: 2016-12-13 8:58 em CET
What’s the conclusion on using Trådfri as a ZigBee extended? Because if they are a reliable extended, I might just have to go get some bulbs
First post in this thread says…
The solution runs on zigbee light link ZLL,
According to this wiki zll bulbs repeat for other zll bulbs.
@MikkelWinther. ZLL devices when paired directly to SmartThings fall back to ZigBee HA. This means they will repeat like any other wired ZigBee device. If you connect them to a different hub (such as the Philips Hue bridge) then they will not, as SmartThings cannot communicate to the bulb directly.
I can confirm that they act as repeater and that they work really well!
How did you manage to pair the remote with ST? Thanks
It works perfect with the zigbee white color temperature bulb. But it doesn’t dim very low for me, is this an issue for all of you or just me?
I just paired it and pressed the button on the back under the lid. But it needs a handler to register keypresses.
works fine for me
Just bought 3 of these light as well and got them to work without any issues.
But I cannot figure out how to control them all via a virtual switch. I tried with Dim with Me but this only allows me to turn them off/on. They will not follow each other if I dim and cannot control color temp either.
Anybody had them same problem and solved it?
Found this promising thread but no solution, Virtual Switch/Bulb with Dimming and Color (Virtual Hue Bulb)
What is low dim level for you? My qubino flush dimmer can dim down to zero. But the Ikea bulbs only dims down to about approx 15% lux capacity when dimmed in the device tile to 1%. Which device handler do you use?
I dim a couple of them simultaneously using a core-piston. Works good except I can only dim them together. When i tell them to set color temperature aswell, they only execute one of the two commands, often, but not always.
Maybe I will try with a core-piston somehow also.
I did a quick lux measurement with one of my fibaro motion sensors and at 1% on Soft White it showed 21lux and 100% 375lux.
Thanks! I may have misinterperated you. I tell my lights to turn on to a specific level. I dont have a slider to control multiple lights with. But it would be handy. Please get back if you solve it.
I have st in my place in the mountain.
Will check next time I go there
It’s probably not a big surprise, but I tought I’d mention it anyway:
Came across this: https://fccid.io/FHO-E1526, there is a manual (or what seem to be the first pages of that manual) of Ikea’s Tradfri hub.
I am testing now.
I use “ZigBee White Color Temperature Bulb” and it works fine
Ok but if you dim it to 1%. Is it almost completly off, or is it quite bright? My bulbs is like a 15W ordinary bulb at 1%.