I’ve seen Ikea now (in UK anyway), have some smart lighting at great prices. They also have GU10 which I have all over my house.
Has anyone got any, and more specifically working with ST? It works with ZigBee Light Link, so think it may work, from someone clever! Apparently they are going to work with Apple HomeKit as well.
Brilliant, do you use the Ikea gateway? how does it integrate please, I’m a bit of novice on ST, I have integrated my Lightify GU10’s direct (no lightly hub), is it similar to this?
How are they? I’m finding my Lightify are a little flaky, sometimes stay on/off, ST app reports then are on, when there not etc, how are these Ikea TRÅDFRI please?
From a US perspective, I have about 6 of the A19 bulbs running. They are all paired directly to my ST hub. I’ve never had any real issues with mine aside from not responding once or twice. As long as you use the IKEA device handler, it’s a fairly painless process. This is the device handler that I use: [UPDATE] IKEA Trådfri Bulb Device Type
To be fair, there are some people who have an absolute HORRIBLE time pairing them to ST, but overall, I think most people say they pair fairly easily and work reliably.
AFAIK, you cannot use the IKEA gateway with ST and the remotes and dimmers are a bit flakey as well.
Yeah, but the problem with that is that the bulbs need an update. To update them, you need the IKEA hub and from what I’ve read, trying to unpair them from ST, pair them with the IKEA gateway and then back again is a nightmare.
Plus, there’s no guarantee on how (or if) the Hue hub will expose the IKEA bulbs. If it exposes them via the normal API, then we can assume they would be available in ST as Hue bulbs are today. However, if they are doing an API-to-API bridge, then the Hue hub won’t expose them to ST.
I wonder if that is the case for the current bulbs and the newer ones coming out will already be updated. Was reading on different forums and it seems there may be newer versions of the bulbs coming out in Oct. Would be nice if you could just update them via their app.
hey guys. this is my first post and I am hoping someone can offer some help. I have been trying to add the DH for the ikea bulbs and receive the following error…what am I doing wrong?
Any help you can give would be great. I have literally just plugged the hub in and have not done anything else in prep, however when trying to locate the GITHUB settings I cannot see anything. All I have tried to do is add the DH. I have found the correct shard and can see my hub.
FWIW, I just installed one 1000lm and one 980lm color tonight and it all worked well with the IKEA Trådfri DH.
The 980lm paired easily but I had to go to the https://account.smartthings.com/login > My Devices and change Type to IKEA-Tradfri and then it worked flawlessly to change color, temp and dim.
The 1000lm without color didn’t want to pair and had to do a couple of 6 on/off (or if it was more don’t know) but it paired eventually and I controll it well with device type ZLL Dimmer hub handler. My second 1000lm bulb was dead on arrival and didn’t work at all in any lamp.
So all In all I’m impressed and it works well for me.
Just want to say thanks for this post. I was able to connect an Ikea Tradfri E26 1000 bulb to my ST hub on the second try. It was easy to do after reading through the posts.
I had trouble finding a concice guide that went from beginning to end of pairing the Trådfri lamps so summarized what I learned getting mine paired here: