Ikea Trådfri 30w led driver

Any luck in pairing these? I tried in every way i can think of.

What are you trying to pair with/what do you have available to pair with? You might end up needing to buy the Tradfri hub. If you have a Hue hub try putting the driver directly next to the hub and using Touchlink in the android app Hue Essentials.

Ok. I trying to pair with smartthings hub v2. Nothing else is of interest… I did pair it with a trådfri dimmer and it works flawless…but i want to pair with ST

I have one running in my kitchen. I used this handler: https://github.com/edvaldeysteinsson/IKEA-Tradfri

How did you manage to pair it?

I set the transformer up near ST and paired there. I’ve not had any luck pairing Tradfri devices any further away than a foot.

It was recognized as a thing, so once paired I unplugged it, moved it to the kitchen and changed the device handler.

I should add I just came home with a tradfri outlet that I cannot pair. This is new, as they’ve been pairable in the past, and there are a few folks with the same issue. Wondering if there’s been a firmware update on those.

Update: the outlet seems to be pairing now, I’ll test mine after breakfast.

Just managed to pair the 30W led driver. Press reset button until it appears as a thing. My Trådfri devices have connected a couple of meters from the hub.