Humidity, temp sensor (2023)

I can’t vouch for any other Aqara product but precisely the sensor I show here pairs using @Mariano_Colmenarejo 's Zigbee Temp Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc driver without problems, and I have 2 running for nearly a year now. I don’t use any Zigbee repeater…


Happy with the third reality ones.
Click on the picture to see them all
Google Photos
See photo. Six devices. I compared them and they stay all close to each other. Using standard batteries also helps. They do not show battery level in here to see how close the are near my “reference” meter

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Hi @Johnnybegoode

The driver has just warned me that the barometric pressure is dropping rapidly, <= -2mbar/h and there may be a risk of heavy rain.

The high-impact storm Babet is arriving this afternoon in the center of the peninsula iberica.

It seems to work


In the case of weather change like this, like the one that we will have in our area later today barometric pressure measurement is, and for years has been, the most reliable indicator.
The anticyclonic conditions with such high temperatures (climate change?) that we have had all year so far haven’t allowed us to see it’s use, but I knew that your implementation on the driver of the pressure change rate was perfect. I combine it in routines/rules with a check on temperature and humidity changes, and I’ve had warnings of changeable weather since yesterday evening, and again this morning, even although at the moment it looks a nice day.
Keep up the good work Mariano :+1: and don’t forget the umbrella if you go out later!

UPDATE - Just got another warning!


Here we have already had 18 mm of rain in 3 hours, more is expected in the afternoon. It is very much needed

For your area it is moving! The Mediterranean is so hot that it surely activates the rainfall even more.


I have an Alloy Plug Temp / Humidity / ZWave Repeater, and just discovered that even though ST says it is online, it has not been working with the ‘Edgy’ stuff ST is doing for a year? Any updates for a Zwave Edge Temp/ Humidity driver?

Storm Ciarán well announced the this time.

BTW Mariano, there seems to be a bug when trying to set the upper limit on a range in a routine for the Atmospheric pressure change rate. Can’t put negative - not just a case of pasting it, the negative sign doesn’t stay. At least I find that on iOS and although I use a rule here, anyone wanting to make a weather prediction routine would, logically use negative for pressure fall.

Hi Jhon,

In Android app it works fine.

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OK, no worries Mariano, we’ll wait for the iOS update which is pending for 50.10 firmware.
Did you get the warning for Ciarán where you are?

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Yes, from 2 am to 8 am it has been at high negative values.
Then around 12 it warning again for 1 hour.

I made a small correction to the storage of the last hour’s pressure values in the latest version of October 30

It’s a shame that zigbee only has 1mb resolution

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:+1: I hadn’t noticed, but yes mine is on 30/10, and it’s worked just perfectly this time. Great work maestro!

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I have a snzb-02 which seems to work OK, but it always shows “offline”. I think it only wakes up about every 30 minutes to report values and then goes off line again.

I have 5 installed and they work perfectly.
It appears that it was not configured correctly on installation.
Try pairing again near the hub


thanks … that fixed it.


So I have 3 of them and all 3 of them stopped reporting temp at the same time they took a firmware update.


Anyone else see this? is there a fix? Do I just have to replace them. I tried different drivers, I tried removeing one and adding it back and same thing

Are you perform a Hub reboot?

Once the green LED lights up on the hub, wait about 10 minutes for the hub’s memory to stabilize and for all the drivers to start.

You can see this process on the HUB advanced user website and see that the hub memory is in Ok or soft Limit, if it is in Hard Limit the drivers will restart sequentially until the memory stabilizes and you may see things that do not work.

Yeap did that too. no change

I have been using this Aqara temperature sensor and I really enjoy the mBar/h rate change detail. I am also trying to understand the temperature and humidity “comparison condition values”. What are these for and how can it be used in practice?

Thank you @Mariano_Colmenarejo for your work putting this driver together!

Here you can find examples of how they can be used