We’re excited to announce the start of a new SmartThings Hub Firmware Beta. Version 0.44.6 will begin rolling out in batches starting on Jul 20, 2022. We will send out an email when we start updating Hubs. We will be paying close attention to any issues encountered by users so your hub may not get updated right away. The hub will be offline for about a minute during the update. See below for more specific details about the update.
Hub Target
Samsung SmartThings Hub 2015 (Hub v2)
Samsung SmartThings Hub 2018 (Hub v3)
Release Date
Release Date: Jul 20, 2022 - Jul 22, 2022
Note that this release will be spread over the listed days, so you may not see your Hub update on the first day of the release period. We will post on this thread once all users should have received the update.
Help Us Help You
As part of our Beta program, it is important for our support team to investigate logs from Hubs running that are reporting errors. To provide our team access, please follow these instructions:
We are going to move the full beta population back to the 0.43 production release based on the problems seen by a subset in moving to the new 0.44 release until we can prepare a fix for the issue that we discovered following the deployment. We will provide an update when a fix is available and the beta can continue.
For developers - FYI, it looks like this firmware version has stopped issuing the infoChanged lifecycle call prior to a driver update. The driver_lifecycle with event == ‘shutdown’ can now be used to do a clean shutdown before the driver is restarted, if needed.
Same thing happening here tried rebooting no luck responds to icmp (ping) but the ide shows inactive and everything is off line i also allowed account data access to smart things support if they want to help
My hub got the solid blue light and was offline until i search and found the soft reset process. First i thought it was an issue with my internet, multiple reboot of both hub and router with not success. It look to have taken the latest beta firmware right after i performed the soft reset. Hub is back online now.