Hub Beta Firmware Announcement 0.44.6 -->now updated to 0.44.9

Hub Firmware 0.44.6 Beta

Hey everyone!

We’re excited to announce the start of a new SmartThings Hub Firmware Beta. Version 0.44.6 will begin rolling out in batches starting on Jul 20, 2022. We will send out an email when we start updating Hubs. We will be paying close attention to any issues encountered by users so your hub may not get updated right away. The hub will be offline for about a minute during the update. See below for more specific details about the update.


  • 0.44.6

Hub Target

  • Samsung SmartThings Hub 2015 (Hub v2)
  • Samsung SmartThings Hub 2018 (Hub v3)

Release Date

  • Release Date: Jul 20, 2022 - Jul 22, 2022
    Note that this release will be spread over the listed days, so you may not see your Hub update on the first day of the release period. We will post on this thread once all users should have received the update.

Help Us Help You

As part of our Beta program, it is important for our support team to investigate logs from Hubs running that are reporting errors. To provide our team access, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to SmartThings Web (
  2. Log in to your Samsung Account
  3. Select the Menu (⋮) and choose Settings
  4. Toggle on Account Data Access
  5. Select the time period and choose Confirm

Release Notes

Edge Drivers

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing from timing out
  • APIs that would previously crash the hub when timing out will now gracefully time out with a more helpful error message


Anyone who participated in the previous beta is automatically signed up for this one.

If you’d like to participate in the beta, but haven’t taken the survey yet: Sign Up Here

If you’d like to opt-out, update your preferences via the Account Settings menu item in Centercode


We are going to move the full beta population back to the 0.43 production release based on the problems seen by a subset in moving to the new 0.44 release until we can prepare a fix for the issue that we discovered following the deployment. We will provide an update when a fix is available and the beta can continue.


For developers - FYI, it looks like this firmware version has stopped issuing the infoChanged lifecycle call prior to a driver update. The driver_lifecycle with event == ‘shutdown’ can now be used to do a clean shutdown before the driver is restarted, if needed.


Nor should they report such major changes in the release notes?

As almost always, wandering around in the dark or waiting for someone to warn you of the stones on the road. :crossed_fingers:

The method he’s referring to is one that is available since the release of v42 and is included in the Edge reference docs:
An example of this implementation is:

local function receive_events(driver, event_str)

local hello_world_driver = Driver("customCapabilityCommunity", {
  supported_capabilities = {
  discovery = discovery.handle_discovery,
  lifecycle_handlers = {
  driver_lifecycle = receive_events,
  capability_handlers = {

It was mentioned in the release of the firmware v42 (last point):

We apologize if this wasn’t clear enough.

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I’m at work right now but my wife is reporting that the house is not working.

I tried to reboot the hub through IDE but I don’t think it was successful. I’m guessing that it maybe related to the firmware update.

I will know more once I can power down the hub and reboot it.

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Same thing happening here tried rebooting no luck responds to icmp (ping) but the ide shows inactive and everything is off line i also allowed account data access to smart things support if they want to help

By the time I got home the hub had connected and it does have the new firmware, all items appear normal so far.

Having the same issue. V2 hub. Been offline for over 2 hours. Solid blue light, rebooted. I have enabled the data access setting.

Same here. My v2 hub is offline, but does respond to pings.

Have you found any fix yet I tried rebooting trying a different network (as supposedly it means network issues) with no luck

Nope. I’m dead in the water.

If @nayelyz can get some one to take a look at the logs would be much appreciated. PM for hub ID.

Not a good idea to post your hub ID for all to see… best to PM directly when requested.

Do allow ST access to your hub data as noted in first post. Report issues on Centercode.

Center code won’t let me open any issues

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Yep, same here. I think I tried to remove this hub from beta updates months ago, so no more Centercode program access.

My hub got the solid blue light and was offline until i search and found the soft reset process. First i thought it was an issue with my internet, multiple reboot of both hub and router with not success. It look to have taken the latest beta firmware right after i performed the soft reset. Hub is back online now.

After 6 hours the hub left it’s blue light of death and came online

I have a V3 hub and received the update around 7:30 PM yesterday.

Other than some, but not all, time based routines not firing when they should have last night, it’s working ok.

No such luck here, still solid blue this morning.

Can you provide the link for the soft reset