How to delete apps

How do I delete smart apps I have installed from code? As when I click delete it says can’t delete because it is installed by one or more users

You can delete the app in the ide.
Go to ‘Home’ and you can then scroll done and click on Installed SmartApps.
This will show what rules you have defined for that SmartApp.
You can delete them here.
Go to the top of the page and click edit.
Then you can uninstall the app.
Then go back to the top of the page and click done.

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It says app cannot be deleted at this time,because it is installed by one or more users?

Already tried that?

I installed the camera app and Samsung TV app but no longer use them.

You cannot uninstall using the ide as I described above?

You have to delete the app from the App drawer in Smartthings app on the phone first. Then you can remove it from IDE.