(Jeff Keeme)
March 4, 2016, 2:17am
I have a mister system that is connected to my hose. There is an valve that allows me to turn the misters on and off. Is there any device that I can use with SmartThings to control this?
Maybe this?
But, there’s not been a lot of good feedback in the community:
I was at Lowes today and saw the Iris Sprinkler Timer made by Orbit. It looks like it is ZWave from the only posts I could find online (Mi Case forums). So i bought one, brought it home and it paired with the hub. YEAH!!!
It was detected as unknown and that is all i have gotten accomplished. I was hoping someone else has a devide type for it, or a clue what to try. HELP I want to get my drip irrigation system under control.
Thank you!