How to auto-lock Schlage Connect - now that Groovy gone

I used to create a virtual switch for my Schlage Connect door lock to autolock after 5 minutes. That all stopped working in this month (January 2023 -The End of Groovy Has Arrived )

what alternatives are there for auto-locking my schlage-connect lock after x minutes?


Are you just looking for how to create virtual switches now? Or are you looking for a routine to do the locking?

Here’s the FAQ on virtual switches in the new architecture:

If you’re asking about routines/automations to replace something that went away, see the following

Replace Groovy with Automations—what’s your plan?

I just recently made a routine on each of my schlage locks to lock if it has been unlocked for one minute. My routine also checks if my door is closed.

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I have a handler and a contact sensor and a routine, for a few years, but last week it stopped working. The door doesnt auto-lock any more, I can lock it from the smartthings app, but its not auto locking.

Use auto lock feature on your lock.
Hopefully is Z-wave version, as there is a driver available

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What app is this screen shot from?

| milandjurovic71 Milan
January 21 |

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Use auto lock feature on your lock.
Hopefully is Z-wave version, as there is a driver available


This is edge driver for Schlage Connect Z-wave

Any way to trigger the auto lock after a contact sensor confirms the door is closed using the edge driver?

Lock the door automatically:

Or activate Auto lock:

I can’t figure out using Phil’s lock to get my schlage to auto lock. Can anyone help?

Hello im new to this forum can someone explain its rules and regulations