How do I link my Tp-link Kasa account?

Hi, I decided to change my wifi from mixed to separate 2.4 and 5. I changed Smartthings wifi settings which worked OK but all Kasa products went offline. In a moment of brilliance I decided to unlink Kasa with the intention of re-linking, I deleted Kasa from linked services in the app but I can’t work out how to add it again, Any help would be most appreciated.

You should be able to go to Add Device > by brand > TP-Link Kasa and reconnect your Kasa account

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Thanks turns out I had to reset all Kasa devices and add them back into the Kasa app, then your suggestion worked. Many thanks.

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Hi, would unlinking tp-link from SmartThings delete all of my tplink devices and their associated routines? Would I need to re enter all the routines upon linking again? I have a smart plug that is not showing up in ST after days and days. Even multiple deletions and additions to the tp link app. Still ST won’t find this one plug.

yes and no. The devices would be deleted but the associated Routines should remain intact unless it is the only device being referenced in the Routine.

in most cases, the routines would still be there and you would only need to add the kasa devices back. Some users prefer to create a dummy virtual switch, edit your routines and use that dummy switch in place of your kasa devices, then remove the kasa integration. Add the integration back, edit the Routines and add the kasa devices and remove the dummy switch that you used in their place.

JUST AN IMPORTANT NOTE: The Op of this thread was talking about all their kasa devices were oflline after changing wifi and that is why I suggested removing the integration and starting fresh. For your one device not showing up… removing the integration may be overkill but it is your choice to make.

what is the model of the kasa plug that is not showing?

oh, with wifi devices, I generally recommend rebooting your router first :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback. The virtual switch option is a viable solution. It’s the HS103