How do I automaticly reset goodnight after coming home?

I have my smartthing setup to perform “Good Night” at a set time every night. It locks all of the doors and enables the alarm. The problem is when I am out after goodnight runs. When I get home “I’m Back!” runs which disables the alarm. What I would like to have is anytime the alarm is disabled after a set time the alarm reanables after a short delay. Is that possible?

Here are some options:

You may want to look into Webcore. This is a very powerful custom application for Smartthings. It can do way more then just address your problem and it takes some initial learning but it is well worth it.

If you have an iOS device you may also want to look at Smartrules. This is a paid iOS app that connects to Smartthings with a very simple user interface to create rules.

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just have it re-arm using motion sensors during certain times (example 10 pm to 6 am) after it does not sense motion for aprox 15 minutes lock doors and re-arm

Webcore is the solution for everything similar

Basically. It’s so darn advanced and easy that it just makes sense to use it for pretty much everything.

Exactly. I love it

Whether you do this in Routines or transition over to WebCoRE (the latter is recommended approach), you should really reevaluate when and how your Routines run based on SHM and Mode. For example:

  1. New Day Routine
    • Runs at Sunrise
    • Only runs if Mode is Night (Do not do if Mode is Home or Away)

If Routine runs, it sets SHM to Disarmed and sets Mode to Home and turns all lights off.

  1. Departure Routine
    • Runs when GPS Presence is set to Away (everyone leaves)
    • Runs only if Mode is Home (Do not do if Mode is Night or Away)

If Routine runs, it sets SHM to Armed (Away) and sets Mode to Away, locks doors, turns camera on, etc…

  1. Arrival Routine 1
    • When presence is detected
    • Runs only if Mode is Away (Do not run if Mode is Night or Home)

If Routine runs, it sets SHM to Disarmed and sets Mode to Home, locks doors, turns camera on, etc…

This is where your limitations with Routines becomes apparent. What if when this Routine runs, it’s after dark and you want the SHM to be Armed Home and Mode to be Night instead of Home because your arrival time is after the normal time that you would want your Goodnight Routine to run. This is where the power of WebCoRE can be taken advantage of. More to come on that.

  1. Goodnight Routine
    • Runs at 11pm
    • Only if SHM is Disarmed and Mode is Home

If Routine runs, it sets SHM to Armed (Home) and sets Mode to Night, locks doors, turns lights off,

  1. Other various Routines or Smart Lighting Rules:
    • When motion is detected, turn on lights, but only when Mode is Night (Do not run of Mode is Home or Away)
    • When Motion is detected turn lights Red and sound siren, but only when Mode is Away

So all these are just basic examples of how to transition smoothly between your different SHM statuses and modes using Routines to do so.

So with what I mentioned above with nuances for certain situations, using WebCoRE allows you to evaluate more complex qualifications and eliminate the need for creating even more Pistons to do so, whereas with Routines, you would have to add even more Routines to cover additional scenarios.

My example above with the Arrival Routine. If you had a Piston that executed when:

* Presence is detected
* SHM is Armed (Away)
* Mode is Away
* Time is between Sunrise and 10:59pm


     * Set SHM to Disarmed
     * Set Mode to Home
     * Unlock doors
     * Set virtual switch to On
     * When you walk by Motion Sensor and virtual switch is on, send audio message to speaker that announces welcome home......
     * Turn virtual switch off   


* Presence is detected
* SHM is Armed (Away)
* Mode is Away
* Time is between 11pm and Sunrise


     * Set SHM to Disarmed
     * Set Mode to Home
     * Unlock doors
     * Wait 5 Minutes (or enough time to get in house and ready for bed)
     * Set SHM to Armed (Home)
     * Set Mode to Night
     * Lock doors and whatever else

This is just an example of being able to cover all your needs without the limitations of Routines and the ability to consolidate things based on different sets of qualifications.