I have some queries regarding Smartthings published project updates, as we are increasing our Cielo device range and adding new features, so we need to update the Smart-things project & device profile but enable to make the changes.
Firstly, if we try to edit current device profile as “AC” it says *"*Cannot edit a device profile that uses the deprecated metadata service." screenshot attached.
Secondly, if we try to add new device profile in the published project, it says* *“**This project cannot be edited, because it is published (or pending approval) to the SmartThings app.”
I am looking forward for a solution to add and update device profiles in the published project without effecting our end-user interaction.
I’ll tag @nayelyz and @AlejandroPadilla from developer support to help them notice this. I’ve been intrigued by migrationStatus: NOT_MIGRATED in the device profiles, which I know can’t be updated, for a long time but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a migrated one.
(Please contact @nayelyz or @Luis_Humberto_Medina )
Hi @AlejandroPadilla and @nayelyz , me and my team have send our issues on build@smartthings.com but unable to get any solution, can you please look into it because it’s very urgent our products effecting.