I have the device handlers installed for both devices, and they are working properly in SmarThings. I have the triple tap down on the Homeseer switch set to shut down everything, close the garage door, and lock all the doors, so I know that it is working properly within Smartthings. I would like to get the double tap up to turn the fan speed up (or at least change the fan speed setting). Any idea how to accomplish this?
The homeseer switch options will look like buttons to smartthings, just like a minimote.
So you just need an automation where you can use “button pressed” as the trigger and the fan speed setting as the event.
I’m sure you could do this with the webcore, I’m not sure how else the fan speeds are being exposed to SmartThings.
I would ask in the thread for the fan controller, someone there will probably know:
I agree that it is probably on the side of the fan controller that I need to figure out how to get it to interface properly with ST. Thanks for the reply. I will put a query on the fan controller thread.
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