Home Connect integration?

I´m renewing my kitchen and have been bought all new appliances from Samsung. I´m still looking for a dishwasher, but I can´t find any that is SmartThings compatible (at least from Finland). So I´m thinking of buying Home Connect dishwasher (Bosch, Siemens) which are advertised as working with ST.
Does anybody know how well the integration is working with ST?

I have a Thermador/Bosch dishwasher and I’ve linked my Home Connect account to the ST account via the ST app. The dishwasher shows up in the app, but it always shows offline, regardless of the network state shown in the Home Connect app. This is similar to my experience with the Alexa integration where Alexa always says she can’t connect to the dishwasher. So, it seems like account linking works successfully, but cloud->cloud status update and communication is broken.

I’ve never bother to talk with Thermador/Bosch or ST to try and resolve since I really can’t think of what I would want to automate with my dishwasher.

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Thanks for your answer.
There´s really no need for any automation (except maybe price of electricity because it variables by the hour) but I really like that for example our washing machine and tumble dryer gives a notification when they are finished.

I can only speak to the dishwasher. Perhaps other appliances will work successfully.

I have a Bosch washing machine that works fine in the Home Connect app. Linking Home Connect to SmartThings worked seamlessly. Device shows up, but device is always Offline.

I wouldn’t waste your time on it

I also have a Bosch washing machine and when I try to start the program, it gives the following error in the app. Does anyone else have this problem as well? Is there a solution for it?

I’ve never been able to get Home Connect to work for my Thermador dishwasher.

There is an easier way to achieve notifications of washing machine & dishwasher by using a power monitored smart outlet.
Basically, every time they are working, there should be a huge bump of power monitored by the outlet. Automation could be built based on power threshold hence notify u when it jumps below the threshold.
Works perfectly every time for my washing machine.

There is a bug in the smartthings integration towards bosch home connect. Turning on/off the diswasher works fine. Also selecting the program works fine. The issue has
been reported by several members here as well: Home Connect integration does not work - #14 by Koen_De_Jaeger .
The setStartstop api POST call gives no error message but doesn’t start the dishwasher program. Same experience in Samsung account , where the setStartstop command doesn’t even appear in the event log after triggering it.

I tried contacting Samsung but you’re redirected back and forth between the support centers and in the end it doesn’t reach the developer that needs to fix this simple bug. I wonder in which github repo maybe we could make an issue for this. I also send a msg to bosch and samsung through facebook support in the hopes it would reach the right place.

Bosch fixed this issue this week, turning on the dishwasher with smarthings app and through code now works as designed.

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