Help with SmartTiles and SmartAlarm

I’m trying to add momentary buttons to @625alex’s SmartTiles that send REST API commands to @geko’s SmartAlarm, using Push to Get as the “middleman”.

I’ve enabled OAuth in SmartAlarm. I’ve figured out how to use the REST links in my laptop browser to arm/disarm SmartAlarm successfully. But when I put the same http code into Push to Get and activate it in the mobile app using a virtual momentary switch, I get an error ( Unauthorized @ line 55) in the live log on the IDE.

I’m missing a step somewhere! Can anyone provide a nudge in the right direction?


Why dont you use a link? Smart Tiles supports liks :smile:

I guess I assumed that putting a link tile in SmartTiles would try to follow the link in the browser window that SmartTiles is running in. No?

if its a link to tasker, it will ask you (the first time only) if you want to open with tasker or web browser, i think :smiley: havent tried yet

I’m not using Tasker.

Just for reference, Push to GET is this SmartApp.

I will probably bake something into SmartTiles.

I, personally, hove no clue of SmartAlarm.

I like the idea of having some sort of integrated REST API function within SmartTiles. I believe @egangreenstein may be using #SmartTiles the same way I am. I have a mounted tablet functioning as my Control Center in my home. I want to use the REST API to allow for Arming and Disarming of my system with Pin Code functionality much like Big Box alarm systems do. I am currently having some difficulty myself trying to figure out how to place the SmartAlarm REST API into the links section. @625alex

Link tile is probably not what you want, because it’s designed to navigate to a URL. What you want is to create a virtual momentary switch, add it to the dashboard and then use the “Push to GET” app referenced above to execute a REST call.

Current version of SmartTiles has a native integration with Smart Home Monitor, if that works for you. No pin-pad though at the moment…

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Well, then my next question is how do i create a “Virtual Momentary Switch”? When I click on “Momentary Switch” in the app settings it says “No Available Options”.

EDIT: I should of googled it before asking… sorry found it here:
“Virtual Switches
To create a virtual switches or momentary push buttons, go to IDE > My Devices > New Device. Enter required fields and choose “On/Off Button Tile” or “Momentary Button Tile” in the type selection box. Then you can use it as any other switch and put it on the dashboard.”


Somewhat offtopic, but since I was mentioned I’ll offer up my experience. I had to give up on using SmartThings for anything beyond simple “convenience features” like light timers. In my experience, it was (and still is) too unreliable for any function like security, let alone behaviors that require complex logic. I recently stripped down and rebuilt my configuration with Hub v2, at the same time simplifying my use of SmartApps to the most basic and/or supported apps, but I still suffer occasional missed events and long delays. Android presence detection, which used to be reliable under v1, is now mysteriously inconsistent.

None of this seems to be the fault of SmartTiles (which fills a gap that SmartThings should be filling themselves) or SmartAlarm (again, which offers the features that SmartThings should be offering for a system they market for security). Great apps, great developers.


I really want to solve this and truly want to make my ST home a true home security system with automation. I started another thread around what I’m looking to achieve with this idea in mind to start. SmartTiles and SmartAlarm with PIN Arming


I’ll be watching the threads, and wish you luck!

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