Help: Smart Lighting App Issue with Error "Something went wrong. Please try to install the SmartApp again"

Hell, google assistant won’t work either. Gotta turn lights on manually like a cave man :grin:

My google home and Alexa are still working but no auto lighting anymore. My kids have been complaining since then. :crying_cat_face: I have tons of Inovelli switches with the buttons configured. Lost the ability to control a lot of things.

My Googles tell me smart things isn’t available

The smart things status page still shows no issues for north america :disappointed:. Pointless to have a status page that isn’t accurate. It is really more of a history log than a status page.

I can still voice control all the devices via Alexa and Google. So wired.

Maybe different areas have different impacts?

Same issue here. I submitted a ticket to SmartThings support with the details below. It’s been a few months since I’ve tried to edit SmartLighting, (last time I know for sure was in December), so I’m not sure when this started.

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On my Android phone, when I go into SmartThings → SmartApps → “Smart Lighting”, and I try to select any of my 20+ automations, I get this error: “We’re having trouble connecting. Check your network connection and try again.” A spot check of my other Smart Apps show that they seem to be working. I’ve restarted my SmartThings hub, but still have the same problem.

Technical details:
IDE Live Logging: “error - physicalgraph.api.StatusCodeException: Invalid http status code returned: 401 @line 1341 (scenesInputs)”
Phone: Google Pixel 3. Android Version 11.
SmartThings App version:
SmartThings Hardware Version: Hub v3 US
SmartThings Firmware Version: 000.035.00004

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This is especially a bummer because these rules are normally all locally run for me.

Exactly! Crazy to think you’d be locked out of editing something that should run local.

I’m not seeing a problem; perhaps it is fixed.

(but then I’ve moved most of my lighting off of SmartThings at this point to avoid these ridiculous outages)

Its working for me now in the App add/edit. Waiting to see if my automation runs


It is working for me now if I set my iPhone language to be English.

Still have the error if I set it with another language.

Not even a “Something is not quite right” message at It seems like only half the outages ever get reported there.

Did anyone who reported this to @SmartThings get any helpful information in understanding what happened here? It is a wonder if this SmartApp has some obscure service stood up in the cloud somewhere that nobody in SmartThings is monitoring for outages.

Front line support asked me to delete and reinstall everything, as usual. Thanks but no. Totally ignored the fact that I told them there were multiple community members reporting the same issue.

Same here. Things just started working again for me late last night. Very odd. Smart Lighting has been one of the more reliable pieces of the app. I am guessing it’s related to some of the shuffling they’ve been doing behind the scenes of moving more Automation stuff to local. It’s annoying, but as long as they keep moving that directly and eventually get scenes and modes under local control, I’ll be good with it.

Nope. They just replied to ask for screenshots and error code details.

I don’t see any evidence at all that they are making local control a priority. The Automations in NewApp are all cloud. Smart Lighting has been super reliable (such as my FiOS internet connection been very reliable).

They just pushed a beta firmware that makes quite a few things local in Automation rules and actually shows a little icon indicating it. Still have a ways to go, but once they get Mode and Scenes local (they have said they are doing as much), it will be good enough for me.


Mine started working this morning as well (at least I check this morning and it was working).

Where to find the little icons? How do they look like?

it is currently only available to beta testers

(image is from @Automated_House )