Hi there, anybody knows if Heatmiser Neostat-e V2 is possible to integrate in anyway without neohub? Will it be possible to communicate with any other Zigbee/zwave hub?
(Mike )
February 1, 2021, 5:00pm
No unfortunately not, Heatmiser use there own proprietary implementation so there stats only work with there own hub
St integration is possible now
(Mike )
September 29, 2023, 8:40pm
As an update to this post all be it a few years later, there is now an edge driver which integrates Heatmiser with Smartthings, no need for extra equipment.
I now have available a beta-level driver supporting the heatmiser neoHub and select devices including neoStat, neoPlug, and neoAir.
Detailed information is available in my readme file here .
The driver is available on my test channel here .
This driver has had limited testing by a few of our community members* during development, but it’s time now to open it up to a wider audience.
Note that this driver requires no other apps running on your LAN besides the heatmiser hub. It will auto-discover your neoHubs and create devices for each configured zone on your system.
You will need a “second generation” neoHub on the same subnet as your SmartThings hub.
Please read through the documentation before posting questions or attempting to install.
Function-wise, I’ve tried to cover the most co…
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