Heatmiser Edge Driver

Hi @FozzieBear & Everyone

Tom here from Heatmiser. As FozzieBear mentioned I reached out this weekend having recently taken on the role of head of product at Heatmiser. I’m a software engineer by background and so my first project was… SmartThings integration.

I want to thank @TAustin for the excellent driver integration, I am just now becoming aware of it.

We are not looking to reinvent that which @TAustin has created and instead are looking to work with some users to test-drive a C2C integration of the Neo product line with SmartThings. This is slightly different in the fact it is cloud to cloud.

I would invite anyone wishing to take part to please DM me and I’ll get back to you with more details ASAP.

Looking forward to sharing what we have been working on.

Tom @ Heatmiser

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I just pushed out an update that should fix that error you saw in the log. The change may also help ensure reconnection when no ping has been received.


Just like the other presentations Tod, the Heatmiser Hub details which displayed important info have now been removed by ST :face_with_raised_eyebrow::roll_eyes:

Yes, quite frustrating. And they don’t even bother to give community developers a heads up or alternative solution.

If you need to view it you can still use the advanced tool or my API Browser to see it …until they take that away too!

The details view for me is not a deal breaker but it does leave the integration with a broken details pane.

For users that expect a working integration, the edge driver works without issues BUT Smartthings have again removed something with no regard for developers and or users

This is perfectly acceptable as Smartthings TAC cover all aspects of changes, what it fails to cover is the resultant chipping away of patience users have.

As a side note, if the details of the Heatmiser hub are required, at time of writing they are still available in the ‘History’ tab for the Heatmiser Hub device, for how long is anyones guess