So it’s been a few weeks since the switch over started and nothing seems to have happened for me so far. Is this the case for everyone else? Cheers
My buttons have all stopped working. Maybe that has something to do with it.
Not seeing any change yet when I open the IDE. Waiting on z-wave open-close sensors, z-wave motion sensors, and Aeon siren.
No change here. Hub V2, S.California location, Android app.
I believe it depends more on the devices you have in your network. I have most of Zigbee lights migrated but not the Phillips light strip. Zwave devices are still connected via DTH.
They delayed the start until… today. So you might just now start seeing things move over, maybe starting with simple stock drivers.
Per the updated (several weeks ago) announcement the migration was postponed to 10/15. It seems as though it won’t be happening in one large operation and most functions and SmartApps will remain until 12/31. You just won’t have the option to add new devices through IDE or add new SmartApps.
@veonua Sorry for the basic question but is their some way to tell if a device is connected via a DTH by looking at Groovy?
not sure what do you mean by
the easiest way is to open the device menu in the app - edge drivers have a “Driver” item that allows users to switch drivers.
A more advanced technique is to use ST API.
@veonua Thanks for the response. I was aware of how to determine if a device is using an Edge Driver by looking at the individual device in the app. What I was trying to determine was if their was a way to look at the list of devices in the Groovy IDE and determine if any of them are connected via a DTH. In your post above you stated “Zwave devices are still connected via DTH.” so my question was is it possible to determine if any of my devices are connected via DTH by looking at my list of devices in Groovy IDE. It would be much easier than going thru each individual device in the app. Thanks.
Groovy IDE is dead. you should stop using it, and switch to API. but if you still want to use it
the cloud/online/placeholders are Edge, most of them without ids… most likely
From the Andriod app I can no longer see drvers listed for devices, nor can I see installed drivers for the hub. Is this happening for anyone else?
Mine is working. Sometimes you have to open and close a device tile for it to show up.
I think the easiest way to tell if a device is on DTH or driver is to use this tool:
Will the Simulated Alexa switches still work? I have a bunch of them I depend on…