If there’s no year on the post, then that’s the current year. If it’s older than one year it will show the year on the post.
As far as reliability, it’s a little better than it has been sometimes, but there has still been an outage at least once a month every month for the last 14 except, I think for January 2017. And some minor issues as well.
For myself, I require a maintenance free operating period of at least six months and preferably 12. I get that from Amazon echo, Logitech Harmony, the Phillips hue bridge, the Lutron system, and apple’s HomeKit. But with SmartThings, since November 2015, I have yet to go more than 12 days without an incident. Some of the incidents or minor, but I myself am quadriparetic with limited use of my hands, which means I have to pay someone else to do even a minor fix like pop the battery in the sensor. So i’m very aware of the issues.
If you need an absolutely stable and reliable system, SmartThings is not there yet. It is a very powerful, very flexible system for its price range, but still pretty high maintenance and a bit fiddly.
You can see major outages on the official status page:
And issues that don’t necessarily affect all customers on the first bug report page in the community – created wiki:
As far as installing two hubs on the same LAN, yes, you can. For testing purposes, it would be best to set them up as two completely separate accounts with nothing in common. It is also possible to set each one up as its own “location,” and share an account, but the only benefit you get of that is that you don’t have to sign out of the mobile app in order to access the other locations information. And again for testing, I would isolate them.
The one thing to be aware of is that there is a utility that runs, “super LAN connect,” which will try to add other LAN connected devices to the account automatically. That would include a Hue bridge, a Logitech Harmony home hub, Sonos devices, LIFX bulbs, and a few other things. This can be both annoying and could interfere with a testing situation. But there isn’t anything you can do about it so it’s just something to know about.