Google home connection import google devices?


I have smartthing connected and google sees the all the devices. but smarthing does not see any of the google devices. are this suppose to show up? if not, is there a way to use these devices in ST ?

also is there anyway to fix duplicate? i tried to unlink and relink google and now it has doubled almost all the devices and gives errors now :frowning:

It is like this that it works for many iot boxes. You get your devices installed on your ST inside Google but the devices installed inside Google dont get into ST.

IF it could, it would be the paradise, for a reason i ignore it s not possible.

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thanks for the reply i was hoping i could make virtual buttons to control them, damn.

i also fix my duplicate issues!!! the wife had ST linke to her google account also !! removed both waited 30 minutes and then just link

there are solutions for making virtual buttons in st that controlsome googlehome devices.
Search about mqtt for example but that s tough way…