I am using Google Home here in the UK. On the whole all seems to work well. My problem is if I want to open Garage door I have to say “turn Garage Door On” rather than “open Garage Door” i’m sure theres a workaround but I cant find it. Any help appreciated.
You may want to engage with IFTTT where you can define the syntax to trip a virtual switch, then use an app like Google Home Helper to open or close the door based on your command.
IFTTT can directly take a phrase like “open the garage door” and use that phrase to turn on the garage door switch. No virtual switches needed.
Is that accurate? When I use IFTTT door actuators (like the Linear Garage Door Opener) are not present. In which case I have to have a virtual switch (which IFTTT DOES recognize) that then trips the Open or Close command for the garage door.
I assume a switch set up as a garage door would work in this way natively; however, @davidj seemed to imply he has a real garage door actuator.
Maybe it depends on the DTH. I’m using @brbeaird MyQ Lite DTH and it supports on/off directly.
Understood…however that only works when the door is represented by a switch. A Linear door opener can’t be added to IFTTT, so some intermediary method is necessary to open the door…And it was a plug for my Google Home Helper app
THanks for help, IFTTT did’nt work, I’ll try to use the Google Helper app. Thanks for advice.
Struggling to understand concept of Google Helper App. Im sure its a real baic error on my part or a lack of appreciation how the helper works.
I have now installed and followed the installation instructions. I assume I’ve done it right. As I say above I am merely trying to say “ok Google open main gate” with no integration (out of the box) I can say “ok Google turn on main gate”, but that makes no sense… Though it certainly works.
In the Home Helper I created a scenario called “Main Gate GHome”, I selected in the scenario type Devices and selected the Main gate relay. I then selected in Google Home under ST my created Virtual Switch (Main Gate GHome).
I have created a simple phrase in IFTTT as follows - If You say ““ok Google, open main gate””, then Switch on Main Gate GHome.
However when I to call the command it doesn’t understand me.
Thanks for help.
I would recommend putting this into the Google Home Helper section as it appears you are using my app ([RELEASE] Google Home Helper).
That being said, are you able to see the switch being toggled when you trigger the IFTTT process?
Sorry thinking this through. I guess if I click on the virtual switch in ST it should activate the Gate, it doesn’t. I guess I need to play further…