GoControl/Linear GD00Z-4 Z-Wave Garage Door Opener Remote Controller, Small, Black
Used, very good, $65 w/Prime shipping from Amazon
GoControl/Linear GD00Z-4 Z-Wave Garage Door Opener Remote Controller, Small, Black
Used, very good, $65 w/Prime shipping from Amazon
I really want one of these, but last time I picked up one that was from the Amazon Warehouse, I could not get it to pair with my hub, despite following all the tips and tricks I could find on here. It was the 3rd smart thing that I got from Amazon Warehouse that didn’t work, so I’m a bit leery. Right price point though.
I’ve never had a problem w/devices from Amazon Warehouse, and I “specialize” in used products as they are 1) Cheaper; 2) Easy to return if issues come up; 3) Never had a problem.
You’re most likely issue is that the garage door opener was previously included in another Zwave network (by the previous user).
I bought one of these used as well from Amazon, and after I did a reset of the device and it paired up fine.
From here:
To do a reset:
Reset the GD00Z-4 by pressing the LINK button 5 times. A quick beep then a longer
beep indicates the reset. Use this procedure only in the event that the network primary
controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.
You can also try a standard exclude from SmartThings…
Oh I’ve had problems, but Amazon was always happy to make things right. I grabbed a boatload of Gardenspots from AWS . One came missing the little screws to permanently mount lights another came with a bad ZigBee module or power supply. Amazon refunded the full price I paid & told me to keep them.
Yes always do a general Z-wave exclusion if any Z-wave device you purchase from anyplace shows even a hint of being opened before. Chances are it is already included in some other controller & you will never get it to include in yours.
Is the Lowes Iris GD opener model the same as this one?
I did both the reset and the exclusion on the device. There was something wrong with it, but they took it back.
Bummer…that was a good price. They come up between $55 and 80-ish regularly on Amazon, so worth watching for a deal on these.