Get ready to make the switch!

Where did you hear this? I don’t believe this is accurate.

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Are we about to witness a mass exodus from smartthings?? I have a funny feeling this forum is going to get quiet soon like it did when hubitat first came out.

Ha ha funny NOT!

@jkp i dont want to see that happen but with everything going on…its not looking good. Remember how the volume toned down here when hubitat first came out. Too many issues with all this flawed software called smartthings is pushing people away. Im.not a power user nor an expert but this migration was botched & not ready for prime time.


You Will also be able to use the new rules API, which is much more powerful than the in-app rules engine.

And you can also use the rules engine in sharptools.


@JDRoberts the magic question is when (all the things talked about & promised at the sdc2019).

You can use the rules API now, some people are. But it doesn’t have local processing yet.


Look no further than last year’s SDC. Just because no one provides updates, doesn’t mean progress isn’t being made…


This part is also not accurate - thats next year. About 12 months-ish. Please stop with the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)


I am about to do the migration from the Classic Smartthing platform to new one. I have over 120 devices, many automations, moderately complex things handled via WebCore, and several custom device handlers I have written myself, for generic devices. Almost every fixed piece of electronic equipment I have is on ST. Wish me luck. I am genuinely terrified. Petrified. I feel like I’m about to go into a brutal operation, with no anesthesia.


I seriously would wait until tomorrow to migrate, they are making huge changes today and everything is screwed up

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I wish you replied 3 minutes earlier. Now that I did step 1, which was to actually migrate to the new app via the classic app banner, what are my options? Can I still carry on with my old “stuff business as usual”? Or am I now committed to testing and re-customizing everything?

Depends on if it finished. :slight_smile:

Seriously, the best way to go with complex environments is to install newapp and login without migration first to see what’s broken before jumping in with both feet.


You guys are making this “no-anesthesia operation” feel much worse, lol. I’m in too deep now I guess.

And a healthy supply of adult beverages.


Lets see if the migration completes with ‘no issues’ then see how it lands. There’s plenty of folks willing to help… I mean - I have two whole bottles of whiskey here myself. (@swamplynx - is that a healthy enough supply?)


Well, the migration completed successfully. A handful of devices ended up being not assigned to a room, but I quickly corrected that in the app. Webcore-controlled automations still running smoothly.

Should I be expecting some breaking functionality?

darn it! that was not suppose to happen… ha ha just kidding :wink:


if using send push notifications… you will need to adjust to send push notifications and store in messages in your pistons

also webcore can not control STHM directly in the new app like it could with SHM in the classic app.


If you were automating SHM through any Groovy smartapp, then you’ll want this:

You’ll also want to run through all of your automations and scenes that teh migration created for you and make sure they look / act the way you want. (It can do a… less than optimal job… of translating routines / scenes to automations / scenes)