August 17, 2020, 3:39pm
Speaking of which, can someone from SmartThings investigate whether this hotfix has anything to do with the new app displaying all temperatures in celsius since last week?
I just noticed that many sensors and a couple other devices I have that report temperature have started using the C scale instead of F, which is what my Location’s scale is set to be. Anyone else experiencing this?
This just started happening, but I don’t know exactly when. I know I should email support, but as it always happens with emailing support, I don’t want to wait a few days only to be told to reinstall the app, remove and rejoin a device, and/or eventually reset my hub…
What’s odd is that the DTH the device is using doesn’t matter, and on the main tile in the new app’s dashboard the scale is correct. It’s only when looking at the detail view of the device that you see the wrong scale. The Classic app uses the correct scale, of course.
Here’s an example of a sensor using ST’…
In the new app all my sensors temperature keeps reverting to C no matter how many times I set to F. I have reset them all back to F about 5 times each. Is there something I can check? Just started happening today I think.