I’ve been using you DH and been great so thanks . But for one of my units i wanted two contact sensors and the temperature so i tweaked it with another DH and got it working to some extent but i don’t think i have done it correctly.
I’m a complete novice so tweaking is as much as i can do . What i’m trying to do is get them represented as 2 contacts inputs without having to create two virtual devices. Would you know how to define 2 separate Contact Sensors?
@borristhecat not possible without having one device have two inputs and a virtual device for the other with a smartapp watching for changes. You can’t have more than one device handler managing a single device.
@anonino.norely if you connected the temp sensors up after the ubs was jointed to the zwave network they will never work. It’s a quirk of the ubs. Exclude the Device and then rejoin and your temp sensors will start working
so you could have the temperature on the main device then a virtual device doing both contacts? Or the temp and contact (or motion) on the main one then the other contact on a virtual?
no you misunderstand, the first device that is the device manager will have all the inputs… i.e. the temp and both contacts. in the device handler you can amend which input value is shown in the device list. but then you can create virtual devices and a smartapp to replicate the value of the inputs in the first device to the virtual devices. this approach is only necessary if you want to display the status of all three inputs separately in the device list without having to click on the first device to see the status of all inputs…hope that makes more sense.
Think I do, In my instance I only want to see the temperature but I want ST to be able to use the contacts and or motion inputs as separate inputs to use in webCoRE. So then rather that having loads of pointless simulated contact sensors filling up the app device page that you don’t want /need to see and if you do you can go to the main device.
So ideally when you select the device in webCoRE you could select contact1 or contact2 /motion or one of the temperatures, rather than just contact. But to do this they need to be declared as separate enums apparently.
ok with webcore i cant comment as ive not used it as i dont use Smarthings in earnest anymore as 99.9% of my things have been migrated away. but i know with CoRE you could happily use the multiple Contact sensors of a device with the pistons. i cant see webcore being any different as that would mean for the likes of the Fibaro Motion Sensors you would not be able to use the Temp, Motion & Luminance values in pistons! and i imagine if that was the case people would not be using WebCoRE, it may be work reaching out to @ady624 to check how this works.
but looking at that statement it references contact2 as an attribute, however in my handler there isnt a custom attribute set, both contacts use the contact attribute and i get now why it doesn’t work for you
you would have to create a custom attribute like that in the definition of the device handler, for example
Hi @Fuzzyligic, I am total noob in reading and programming of DH. Integrated binary module into a security PIR sensor and using your contact/sensor DH. Binary module IN1 is tamper, IN2 is motion and binary outputs are connected to security system. Just like this:
But there is one thing, during alarm PIR motion contact is OPEN and therefor status is inverted in app. How to properly invert motion signal in DH? Would also like to switch some lights with this signal using SmartLighting app.
Pardon my blondness. But I seem to be missing something. I have hooked up the UBS to my RPi powered RazBerry, connected the sensors and voila, all works as described here.
But what do I need the groovy code for? Can I create my own device type (derived from the UBS perhaps)? If so, does an IDE exist? I do not see anywhere in the smart home Gui where I can create a new device type, neither in the expert UI.
@rvdhorst you do realise you have posted this on the Smartthings Community Forum? the groovy code is to add support for the device to Smartthings, as you are not using smartthings, you do not need this.
hi @Fuzzyligic, I have a device which is outputting 12V (as opposed to the 3.3V of your PIR) which i’d like to get into the Input of the same Fibaro Universal sensor, do you know what device (transistor etc) I’d need to step from 12V to dry contact please?