For a couple of year I’ve been using the Fibaro door sensor (Version one, FGK-101) with the the DS18B20 external temp probe to monitor my hot tub’s water temp. It seems that the Fibaro sensor has died, and I can’t find version 1 anywhere anymore. The current model doesn’t support external probes. Is there any cheaper sensors besides the Fibaro RGB controller that can do this? If I purchase the Fibaro RBG controller do I need a custom device handler to do monitor temps with it (currently set to alert if the temp goes to low). Thanks everyone!
thank you. reading through that most of those are for dry contact sensors, looks like the only other temp compatible one is the Fibaro Universal unless I’m not understanding something
There are others, but it depends what country you are in. Qubino has one, Aeotec has one, Sonoff has one.
Try searching the forum for “probe.“
These are still available from
found ONE place here in the US that still has them but they want $15 shipping which is nuts:
Anyone ordered from this co. before?
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