Fibaro Relay Switch FGS 222 - Installation


I just installed a Fibaro FGS 222 relay switch. Unfortunately I can not include it (not recognized as a Z-Wave Device Multichannel) nor know which of all the puplished SmartApps & device handlers I should use.

Does anybody has a short step by step guide (also incl. how to create the necessary virtual switch)?

Until now I found SmartApps and device handlers from:




Sorry, for the maybe stupid question. It’s my first time handling with external smartapps and device handlers but I really wanna make my installation running :wink: I already read the FAQ about Apps and Handlers and got whats their function and how to install them.

Thanks a lot,

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I use the smart app and device handler from PukkaHQ. Works fine for me.

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Thanks for your recommendation siwilson.

Is it correct, that I include the Fibaro Relay and then assign it online (ST homepage) to the created device handler or will it be automatically assigned/recognized?
