I hope this works. I’m new to ST (as in today!) and this is the first time I’ve ever joined a forum so please go easy on me. I don’t know if I’m posting in the right place so please move me if you feel the need.
I have successfully hooked up my hub and wired a Fibaro 2 Dimmer behind a standard UK light switch. The app pairs with the device but it doesn’t actually do anything. I believe the app is behaving as it should i.e. turn on/off works within the app but nothing happens to the light itself It’s wired up correctly as far as I can tell and the hub shows as connected within the phone app. I’ve had a good Google and the only page I could find was this:
Unfortunately the solution offered is way beyond my understanding although it appeared to work for the user with the same problem.
I have read a few articles on this site prior to investing in ST and it seems like a great community, full of knowledgeable people so I’m sure someone out there can help this noob out
My level of understanding is very basic at the moment so please explain things nice and simple.
I had another Google last night and read through a very long article that suggested implementing some custom code. I randomly clicked around and have managed to get the light working! This is the code I used:
No idea how I managed it but hey-ho.
I can now operate the light (on/off) from the ST app but dimming does not work. I’m assuming this is something to do with what is written in the code and using a different code would rectify this. My other issue is that the dimmer does not appear when I search for devices in the Alexa app. It did previously.
I’m kinda lost now! Does anyone know of the ‘best’ code for me to use which a standard UK light switch (up for off and down for on) that will allow me to use the dimmer with Alexa?
No idea! I reverted back to the original code I mentioned above, changed the parameter for dimming, removed the ST skill from Alexa then re-added and all is well in the world! Really appreciate your offer of assistance. Steep learning curve but I’m sure with the helpful people on here I’ll get the hang of things. Thanks again
I’m pretty sure I copied it perfectly and I’m reluctant to try it again in case I mess it up now everything’s working as it should. I changed the parameters within the code itself and only changed the number, not ‘Def ConfigureAfterSecure’
I then published as you have said
I’m sure what you’ve said is correct as you know far more than I do!
I wasn’t aware you could update the parameters within the app and I can’t seem to find a page that looks like the pic you’ve posted. Just so I know, where is that functionality? What’s the difference between the code I’ve used and the one you’ve suggested? My current setup appears to do the basics, which is all I need, but if your suggestion offers something more then I may consider updating the code when I get a bit more brave.
i have dozen of FGD 212 too, just a few days intall ST and Alexa… so with @hajar code , all functions working well from alexa side , incl dimming function ?
Now I am using HC lite to control , so after pairing with smartthings, still need as secondary controller or not ? If without HC lite how the devices upgrade new firmware in the future ?
@anon36505037 has given you all the information you need. At present, there is no way for a SmartThings hub to update the firmware on a Fibaro device. So you would need to go through the steps Robin gave to reconnect it to the Fibaro hub to get the update.
Some devices, such as those from Aeotec, allow you to download an update onto a laptop and connect your device by USB to the laptop and get the update that way, but Fibaro does not.
Fibaro is using over the air (OTA) firmware updates. This only became part of the Z wave standard with the newest generation, Z wave plus, and theSmartThings hub does not support it yet. It might at some point in the future, they just recently added OTA support for their own SmartThings – branded zigbee devices. But they haven’t said that they’re going to do that, so they might not.
Meantime, as @anon36505037 described, if you needed an update you would have to add the device back to your Fibaro hub just long enough to get the update.
Other than that you will not use the fibaro hub once the devices are on the SmartThings network.
Can I ask why you’re moving from the Fibaro hub to SmartThings? I think the most popular reason is to get a wider selection of devices, but it does vary.
I have installed the Rajiv device handler but when I try to change any configuration within the app even to set the defaults I just get a red bar at the top saying “Please fill out all required fields”. Help please…
Well thanks for advising on the best handler. But I don’t know anyone with stupid, expensive, stuck in one ecosystem, idevices, Are there any workarounds??.
Main system of my home is comfort from cytech.biz . A small part of the devices that i have are 15 lamps of fibaro dimmer 212 . Recently i add amazon dot to my system, so i need smartthings to communicate with my comfort. My comfort has interface to zwave but not as good as smartthings