Feature Request: [WP] Pin app tiles as live tiles

It would be great if I could pin my favorite/frequent functions/devices to start as live tiles? And as a bonus, you could add the status and other information to it in addition to just turning on and off lights with it.

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That would be great to have in the official app. The official app does have widgets for Hello Home Actions which give you the control, but not the status information.

Meanwhile, a community member has created a free dashboard app, SmartTiles, that is very popular. It allows all that and more. It has some official recognition from SmartThings, specifically a very easy install process. Worth a look:


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Hey @boczar ,

I encourage you to visit our next developer discussion happening on wednesday. You’ll be in for a sneak peak !

@JDRoberts Could you clarify what you mean by widgets? Windows Phone implementation of widgets are Live Tiles. To my understanding, the SmartThings app for Windows Phone does not have any Live Tile functionality. But correct me if I’m wrong.

Sorry, my error. I knew widgets had been released for Android (and were already available for iOS), I thought an equivalent tile functionality has been released for Windows Phone as well.

SmartTiles should still be an option, it runs in a browser.

Ya no worries. iOS/Anddroid only recently got widgets. I hope it won’t be the trend that WP will be the last to get the same updates.

It probably will be the trend as long as the graphs continue to look like this. :wink:

That kind of thinking is definitely not what makes an open platform like SmartThings so awesome.

Agreed. I was not trying to be a downer, but just being realistic. Keeping three separate ecosystems feature-equivalent is tough, so inevitably the effort is going to go where the users are.