FAMILY HUB - TIZEN 6.0 Stock Photos - Where Are They in System?

Good morning all!

Since the upgrade to TIZEN 6.0 my family hub displays stock photos as the screensaver. These stock photos show nowhere on the system to be deleted (not in gallery!!) so I can display my own family pictures!! Although beautiful family pictures, they are not mine and I’d like to delete them from the system so the correct screensaver works!


Tagging @SamsungZell

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Hey there! @LouSpez, Welcome to the Community! :slight_smile: I completely understand not wanting stock photos when you don’t know the people in them! Thanks for the tag. @jkp

Can you first provide me with the model code for your Family Hub Fridge for tailored troubleshooting steps?

Additionally, I wanted to provide you with a troubleshooting link and Samsung Care video to assist you with Selecting your “Mobile” album from the Gallery (I understand the gallery is not showing the stock options) to display your family’s photos and videos as a screensaver!

You can upload pictures and videos on SmartThings mobile app.

  1. select Family Hub device in SmartThings mobile app.
  2. select the ‘Upload pictures and videos’ menu.

Note: You can only upload one video file less than 100MB at a time.

Here is a link to the troubleshooting guide: Manage photos and videos on your Family Hub smart fridge

Here is a link to the Samsung Care How to video: Use photos to set a screensaver or slideshow on your Family Hub | Samsung US - YouTube

I hope this message finds you well!


Thank you for the quick response. We are aware of the process to upload and/or delete photos. the issue is the stock photos do not appear in any of the gallery folders. I can not locate them on the refrigerator! This has only happened since the new OS.

The video to set the screensaver is different then my settings. I do not have the option, under settings, display to select screensaver. The option is not there!

Screen shot of serial number and model number attached

Thank you for providing that information, I certainly understand your frustrations. The menu option may have changed or may not be available for this model.

At this time, the symptom is still persistent for your specific model after attempting the recommended troubleshooting.

I would recommend reaching out directly to 1-800-SAMSUNG(726-7864) for additional troubleshooting steps for your specific 2017 RF265BEAESG/AA model as Menu options vary by device model.

I hope this message finds you well!


Did you ever find a solution? My refrigerator started displaying stock photos in the slide show all of the sudden yesterday. I have my own photos uploaded and can select them for the slide show and it works. However, after a little while, the stock photos take over again! Makes no sense.


I have the same issue.

Was this issue dealt with?

. I have the same issue. Stock photographs on slideshow that I can’t delete and certainly don’t want in favour to my own!

Help! :astonished:

You should be able to delete photos on the fridge Family Hub using the Gallery app on the fridge.