Eve Matter Over Thread Integration

Im looking to add light sensing as an extra condition in my routines so im trying to find a light sensor that works in SmartThings. I was looking at the Aqara illuminance t1 sensor and the third reality night light that has the lux sensor built in but then I stumbled across the eve motion and light sensor and I’m trying to choose and I’m sure I could find a use for the motion as an extra condition but I’m not sure if eve’s light sensor integrates into ST or if you can use it as a separate device for routines. If anyone knows or has other suggestions I’d appreciate the help.

Side note: I have the Aqara fp2 presence sensor which is what gave me the idea of light sensing for routine conditions but there’s no ST integration yet so I’m only using it to control other Aqara products in the Aqara and then also through Alexa but the light sensor doesn’t come through in Alexa but I do already have an Aqara hub so I was leaning towards the aqara sensor but I can’t find it on Amazon or anywhere that would get here quickly so I was hesitant.

The SmartThings integration for the Aqara FP2 will be available with the next firmware update of the device.

This should happen anytime soon.

Here’s what it looks like (see the whole thread):

And yes, the Eve Motion is fully supported:

  - id: "Eve Motion"
    deviceLabel: Eve Motion
    vendorId: 0x130a
    productId: 0x0059
    deviceProfileName: motion-illuminance-battery

A cheaper alternative is the Meross MS600 Human presence sensor