I’m a bit new to Smartthings and having trouble getting started. I have created a Wifi temperature sensor using a Nodemcu ESP8266 board and DS1820. The ESP8266 posts the temperature to an internal webpage, and also sends the data to Thingspeak.com.
I’m trying to monitor this temperature data in Smartthings, and I’m not sure where to start. Does anyone have some sample code that can get me started? I think I need to create a DeviceHandler and Smartapp to send an HTTP Get request, but I’m not sure how to proceed.
If your module accessible via http url, it’s easy then, you need a temperature device handler that handle and digest the http response, then create a virtual http device so you can see them in ST app.
Check out my recent release of HTTP switch creator, doing almost the same things but it’s an on/ off switch
Thanks for the reply, your HTTP Switch Creator was a helpful start. I’m struggling to make the transition to an HTTP temperature sensor from the HTTP switch. I’m surprised there aren’t more examples like this, can’t believe I’m the first one trying this?
A couple questions:
My device handler code below is a collection of code fragments I’ve found, but I know it still has a number of issues issues. Any ideas on where my issue might be in the device handler to request the data?
For my ESP8266 Temp Sensor, I’m using Arduino IDE. I currently have it posting data to Thingspeak.com and to an internal web page. What code do I need to include for the ESP8266 to respond to the Device Handler request?
Did you make any headway with this? I’m getting ready to start on a similar project. I’m not a dev, but I’ve been able to do simple contact closures, temp, humidity and moisture sensor in the past. Hopefully I can get this too
If you have any code that you’d like to share, feel free to post or you can email me at my username @ gmail.
I recently released a new version of my ST_Anything and SmartThings Arduino libraries which now can run natively on the ESP8266 series of boards, using WiFi to communicate to SmartThings via the ST Hub.
This has been my solution to monitor the hot water of my outside boiler. Is a SONOFF TH w/ Eric’s custom firmware and device controller for ST. Works like a charm, have it integrated with my smartiles dashboard.